
IoB is an upcoming trend that you’ll hear more of in 2021. Companies and businesses are taking advantage of technology to monitor consumer and customer behaviors. Some of the effective technological tools here include location tracking, big-data and facial recognition.

According to a prediction by Gartner, more than half of the global population will be under an IoB tool by 2025. Gartner argues that IoB combines technologies focused on tracking individuals such as location and facial recognition and connects the data and maps them to behavioral events. By 2025, half the world’s population will be subject to an IoB commercial or government program.

If this IoB thing sounds creepy that’s because it is. Gartner noted that IoB is technically possible but there will be ethical and societal debates ahead. The research firm is on target about the debate, but a lot of this IoB tracking is already in place. We’ll get over it. When it comes to privacy we’re all frogs being slowly boiled.

Total Experience:

which is a combination of customer, employee and user experiences. Gartner said these experiences will be critical amid distributed organizations and those firms that get behind TX will boost satisfaction across the board.

There’s something valid to the TX argument, but I’m not really looking forward to an “X” being tacked onto everything. I already have UX and CX fatigue.

Privacy-Enhancing Computation:

Gartner’s argument here is that global data protection laws will mature and securing data at rest isn’t good enough. As a result, companies will aim to protect data in use while maintaining privacy. By 2025, half of large organizations will use privacy-enhancing computation to process multiparty data analytics.

Protecting data in transit and use will be critical. If anything companies are going to have to get to computational privacy faster.

Benefits & pitfalls of the IoB:

The bottom line is this: you don’t have to be concerned about your data. Many people accept that data is a wild west frontier, but what they get out of this is valuable. Others, however, are certainly concerned that neither companies nor government care about individual privacy.

As in our pyramid, the IoT surely converts data to information. But it’s too early to know whether the IoB can translate knowledge of us into real wisdom.


KMS Techno Solutions

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